Designed for yoga teachers, this specialization will teach you what you need to know to confidently modify yoga poses during pregnancy for your students in your all-levels classes, to offer private instruction, or teach your own prenatal yoga specialty class.  

Each participant will have the opportunity to practice teach a series of poses with adaptations for pregnancy. You will learn to use props and design classes that are safe and comfortable for all trimesters of pregnancy.  

Total of 13 hours - 11 hours of class time and 2 hours of class observation in Corinne’s prenatal classes held Tuesdays, 7:15-8:15pm.

Participants will sign up to attend Corinne’s classes during this training.

Cost - $295+gst=$309.75


Meet Corrine

Corinne -  has been teaching yoga for 20 years. Corinne helps women balance their hormones with a unique yoga practice called Hormone Yoga Therapy,(HYT), and teaches HYT workshops in Edmonton and internationally.

She also teaches a variety of yoga classes ranging from Tweens to Seniors.

Corinne is happy to return to Yoga Within.


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