Join us in workshopping various asanas, where we will break them down, experiment with variations and adjustments to make these poses your own. Lots of information and fun to be had in a nice safe environment. 

Register for 1 for $50 or all 3 for $135

Asana & Adjustments 101

Sunday, October 6 1pm - 3pm

In this workshop we will primarily be focused on seated, basic asana, and twists. Starting from the ground up we will look to build foundation of what the asana is, connect to how your body moves in each asana, and learn how asana can be modified, adjusted and benefit your body and practice. We will cover what make a beneficial adjustment and what would lead to deepening your practice, all while keeping in mind that not all adjustments are for every body. This is a great workshop if you are looking to start deepen your knowledge of asana, change your practice, and get some building block for learning to adjust.

*There are hands on adjustment, and partner work involved in this workshop.

Asana & Adjustments 102

Sunday, November 17 1PM - 3PM

Taking things to the next level! In this workshop we will take what we learned in Asana 101 for foundations & basic and start applying this concepts to more complex asana such as standing asanas, asana on your stomach, and back bends. We will cover what make a beneficial adjustment and what would lead to deepening your practice, all while keeping in mind that not all adjustments are for every body. This workshop is not for beginner, but it is open to individual who have some experience with adjustments already.

*There are hands on adjustment, and partner work involved in this workshop.

Asana & Adjustments 103

Sunday, February 2 1PM - 3PM

In this workshop we will look at how we can float through our sun salutations, vinyasas, headstands and handstands too! We will look at how we use bhandas to our advantage, and also learn how to assist others on their quest to float. We will cover what make a beneficial adjustment and what would lead to deepening your practice, all while keeping in mind that not all adjustments are for every body. This workshop is not for beginner, but it is open to individual who have some experience with adjustments already.

Lots of little tricks and even more fun for all involved.


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