Traumatic experiences can turn into stored patterns of physical and emotional pain, leading to a loss of connection to one’s body. Trauma informed yoga is a process designed to help individuals achieve healing by rediscovering a sense of peace and safety in their body.

A substantial amount of research supports the effectiveness of a regular yoga practice for decreasing the symptoms of trauma. Jeremy Bell, Registered Psychologist and Certified Yoga Instructor, will blend elements from both psychological and yogic practices to help participants develop their own personalized toolbox for self-healing.

Participants will be guided through a gentle Hatha Yoga class designed to promote mindful awareness while emphasizing safety and choice. This class is opened to anyone interested in learning and experiencing trauma informed yoga. No previous yoga experience is required. 

Participants are encouraged to bring a block or blanket to help with seated postures. No other specific props are required, although participants can bring whatever props best support their yoga practice. 


Register for Trauma Informed Yoga