Join Neeru as she guides you through a 3 part workshop on Yoga Philosophy. Neeru brings a personal knowledge and passions to her teaching that makes these topics captivating and truly come to life. Through these workshops you will be inspired to look deeper, ask questions, and take yoga out with you into your daily life. Take your next steps in to the philosophy that are the foundations of the practice we see on our mats.

Please note you must take 101 prior to being able to take 102 or 103. If you have taken Philosophy 101 before and are interested in taking 102 please email the studio.

Register for 1 for $60 or all 3 for $150

Philosophy 101 - Etymological and philosophical 

Sunday, September 22 9:30AM - 12PM


  • Yoga: it's meaning and purpose

  • Origins of yoga and it's description in Hatha yoga texts, Bhagavad Gita,and Upnishads.

  • Patha v/s styles of yoga

  • Goals and Stages of Human life

  • 3 Sharira/Bodies and Panchakoshas/ 5 sheaths 

  • Intro to Yamas and Niyamas: the foundation of Patanjali yoga sutras.


Philosophy 102

Sunday, December 1 9:30am - 12pm

  • Asana & Pranayama: description in Patanjali yoga sutras and Hatha yogic texts.

  • Cleansing practices in yoga

  • Difference between Asana and Exercise, goal of Yoga Asana and it's classification 

  • Prana and Nadis

Philosophy 103

Saturday, January 19 9:30am - 12pm

  • Therapeutic aspects of yoga sutras 

  • Concept of mind and techniques as per PYS

  • Internal limbs of Ashtanga yoga

  •  OM/AUM : the Pranava, it's relevance in yoga

  • Intro to Ayurveda and Hatha yoga practices 


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